Submitted by , posted on 13 September 2004
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The ShaderStudioMAX is a multipurpose IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for Shader-based 3D Applications, i.e. PC Games, Real time VR-Model visualization or Real time Image Post-Processing, etc.
With its fully support of Microsoft Direct3D(r) 9 graphics hardware, many amazing graphics effects can now be rendered at fairly high frame rate on mainstream desktop PCs. One main purpose of ShaderStudioMAX is to help PC game developers to write and refine their graphics effects in a convenient way.
The Visual C++ project export functionality of ShaderStudioMAX is a power utility to export the ShaderStudioMAX scene directly to a VC++ project. This makes the ShaderStudioMAX a convenient RAD tool for rapid games and graphics applications development.
Along with the rapidity of development in computer graphics (CG) area, the quality of computer generated animation and interactive programs like games have been evolved to life-like.
The most significant change in polygon rasterization graphics pipeline is the implementation of programmable graphics processing units (GPU). The vertices and pixels (together called "primitives") of a 3D model now are not processed by fixed functions inside the graphics processor, but are passed to some sections of short machine code (called "shaders") to be processed in a programmable way. By processing primitives in this way, graphics programmers can gain high flexibility in writing graphics effects.
The ShaderStudioMAX was designed entirely based on programmable graphics pipeline. The primary goals of ShaderStudioMAX are simple: for experienced programmers, it will help them to translate their projects from fixed function pipeline to fully adopt the programmable graphics pipeline and take such advantages to create high quality graphics programs. For graphics programmers who just start to learn writing graphics effects, it will help them to learn the programmable graphics pipeline in a well structured way with the help of examples and templates.
The ShaderStudioMAX IDE is a convenient development environment for graphics programmers to write and fine-tune their graphics effects. Through the sections in user reference, how to use the ShaderStudioMAX IDE will be fully described with the aid of examples and detailed instructions.
The Visual C++ project export functionality of ShaderStudioMAX is a power utility to export the ShaderStudioMAX scene directly to a VC++ project. This makes the ShaderStudioMAX a convenient RAD tool for rapid games and graphics applications development.
Before using the ShaderStudioMAX to create your own virtual world, we hope that you can enjoy using it and learn some useful graphics knowledge.
The website is: http://www.ndawinteractive.com/shaderstudiomax/