Submitted by , posted on 12 September 2004
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Here are a few screenshots of my first complete game called bl0kz. This was
written as a fun hobby, to prove to myself that I could write a complete game
and to implement a few things I've learned recently about Managed DirectX and
C#. It took about 3 months to complete, 1-2 hours a night when time permitted.
The difficult aspects turned out to be the UI, finding/creating art and sounds
that feels right and fits together, and like all projects, to finish it!
Some tech details:
Object orientated, written using C# and Managed DirectX 9. DotNET really
makes the mundane programming tasks easy!
Custom 2D engine with sprites represented using quads and all
translations/rotations done as 3D with ortho perspective. This allows full use
of hardware features and should make it easy to create the 3D version of the
DirectInput and DirectSound.
Custom UI described using XML.
Lots of bonus items, special effects, animations and sounds.
If you want to check out the game, look at the source code or for more details
on how it was made, feel free to go my website at
Lambert Brink