Submitted by , posted on 30 May 2000

Image Description, by

This is a screenshot of a little RTS game I'm doing called "Pytae". Basically, it involves going from station to station and trading stuff, like salt, fuel, water, medical supplies, etc. for cash (which is in turn traded for salt fuel water or medical supplies...). The little "P" in a square shows were the player is. The space stations (different icons are different size) are all numbered so you can pick which one to space-hop to in the "Course Selector" . The point of the game is to keep trading around until you reach the goal amount of cash. As you can see from the lil' version number in the corner this one's a pretty early build (only 3 days after the first one). All the graphics were done with paintshop pro and caligari truespace.

Image of the Day Gallery



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