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  Simple Compression Class
  Submitted by

A couple of weeks ago I dug into the huge world of data compression, and this is what I've come up with until now. It's a simple compression/decompression class which allows you to (guess! :) compress data. The algorithm I've implemented is a mixture of RLE and Huffman, and is very inferior to most other compressors :(, but, hey, we all have to start somewhere. But it's good enough for the project I'm currently working on. The following files are included: cmpr.cpp (the actual code), cmpr.h (the header), and sample.cpp (a small test program which can compress/decompress files).

  • Not suited for very small files, as the header is quite beefy.
  • Data patterns are not compressed enough.
  • It's quite slow.
  • It's using a lot of memory to compress (More than 10 times the data size).
  • Not much error handling.
  • Standard malloc/free is used, you'll probably want to change that to something more useful.

  • Things that would be cool to add:
  • LZSS compression between the RLE and the Huffman. That would, in some cases, make the compression ratio better. But the compression would also be much slower.
  • A smaller header (compressed?)

  • This source might be usefull for other people, who are, like me, trying to get the idea of data compression. I've only tried to compile this with VC++6, and the sample is a console app. Rasmus Neckelmann

    Currently browsing [] (6,131 bytes) - [cmpr.cpp] - (16,298 bytes)

    //  Simple compression/decompression class
    //  Files: cmpr.cpp, cmpr.h
    //  By Rasmus Neckelmann (, 27/6-2001
    #include <windows.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <malloc.h>

    #include <stdio.h>

    #include "cmpr.h"

    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Constructors, destructors, entry functions // CCmpr::CCmpr(void) { }

    CCmpr::~CCmpr(void) { }

    void CCmpr::SetInputData(void *pvData,int nDataSize) { m_nInputSize=nDataSize; m_pvInput=pvData; }

    void *CCmpr::GetOutputData(void) { return m_pvOutput; }

    int CCmpr::GetOutputSize(void) { return m_nOutputSize; }

    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // C O M P R E S S I O N // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // First step of compression (preperation + RLE) // bool CCmpr::CreateItemList(void) { int nOffset=0; int nRun; int nValue; unsigned char *pcData; int i;

    // Create list of items + do the initial RLE compression // // Maximum number of items in list is equal to the number of bytes in source buffer... // m_nNumItems=0; m_pnItems=(ITEM *)malloc(sizeof(ITEM)*m_nInputSize); if(!m_pnItems) return FALSE;

    pcData=(unsigned char *)m_pvInput;

    // Continue until no bytes is left // while(nOffset<m_nInputSize) { nValue=pcData[nOffset];

    // Determine run-length (maximum 65535 (not 65536, as we use length 0 for sth else)) // nRun=0; for(i=0;i<65535;i++) { if(pcData[nOffset+i]!=nValue) break; nRun++; }

    // Create item (first 16 bits are the item length, next 8 bits reserved for later use, // the last 8 bits are the item data) // m_pnItems[m_nNumItems]=nRun | (nValue<<24); m_nNumItems++;

    // Move read pointer // nOffset+=nRun; }

    return TRUE; }

    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Second step of compression (Huffman) // bool CCmpr::InitNodePool(void) { int i;

    // Allocate memory for node pool // m_pNodePool=(hc_nodepool_t *)malloc(sizeof(hc_nodepool_t)*m_nNumItems*2); if(!m_pNodePool) return FALSE;

    for(i=0;i<m_nNumItems*2;i++) { m_pNodePool[i].bUsed=FALSE; memset(&m_pNodePool[i].node,0,sizeof(hc_node_t)); }


    return TRUE; }

    void CCmpr::FreeNodePool(void) { if(m_pNodePool) { free(m_pNodePool); m_pNodePool=NULL; } }

    hc_node_t *CCmpr::AllocateNode(void) { int i,f;

    // Find first free slot for node // f=-1; for(i=0;i<m_nLastNode;i++) { if(!m_pNodePool[i].bUsed) { f=i; break; } }

    if(f<0) { f=m_nLastNode; m_nLastNode++; }


    // Return it // return &m_pNodePool[i].node; }

    void CCmpr::FreeNode(hc_node_t *pNode) { int i;

    // Find pNode in pool and remove it // for(i=0;i<m_nLastNode;i++) { if(m_pNodePool[i].bUsed && (&m_pNodePool[i].node)==pNode) { memset(&m_pNodePool[i].node,0,sizeof(hc_node_t));

    m_pNodePool[i].bUsed=FALSE; if(i==(m_nLastNode-1)) m_nLastNode--;

    break; } } }

    hc_node_t *CCmpr::FindLeafByItem(ITEM nItem) { int i;

    for(i=0;i<m_nLastNode;i++) { if(m_pNodePool[i].bUsed && m_pNodePool[i].node.cType==NODETYPE_LEAF && m_pNodePool[i].node.nItem==nItem) return &m_pNodePool[i].node; }

    return NULL; }

    hc_node_t *CCmpr::FindRootByLeaf(hc_node_t *pLeaf) { hc_node_t *pNode;

    // Backtrace from leaf to root // pNode=(hc_node_t *)pLeaf->pvParent; while(pNode) { if(pNode->cType==NODETYPE_ROOT) return pNode;

    pNode=(hc_node_t *)pNode->pvParent; }

    // Something is SERIOUSLY wrong... all leaves should have a root (this should NOT happen) // return NULL; }

    hc_node_t *CCmpr::FindLeastImportantRoot(hc_node_t *pIgnore) { int nLowest=0; hc_node_t *pNode=NULL; int i;

    // Find the root with the least occurances // for(i=0;i<m_nLastNode;i++) { if(m_pNodePool[i].bUsed && m_pNodePool[i].node.cType==NODETYPE_ROOT && pIgnore!=(&m_pNodePool[i].node)) { if(!nLowest || (m_pNodePool[i].node.nOccurances<nLowest)) { nLowest=m_pNodePool[i].node.nOccurances; pNode=&m_pNodePool[i].node; } } }

    return pNode; }

    int CCmpr::CountRoots(void) { int nRoots=0; int i;

    for(i=0;i<m_nLastNode;i++) { if(m_pNodePool[i].bUsed && m_pNodePool[i].node.cType==NODETYPE_ROOT) { nRoots++; } }

    return nRoots; }

    int CCmpr::CountLeaves(void) { int nLeaves=0; int i;

    for(i=0;i<m_nLastNode;i++) { if(m_pNodePool[i].bUsed && m_pNodePool[i].node.cType==NODETYPE_LEAF) { nLeaves++; } }

    return nLeaves; }

    bool CCmpr::AnalyzeItems(void) { hc_node_t *pRoot; hc_node_t *pLeaf; int i;

    // Classify the items, find out how many of each item-type there are // // Create a root and a leaf for each unique item-type // for(i=0;i<m_nNumItems;i++) { pLeaf=FindLeafByItem(m_pnItems[i]);

    if(!pLeaf) { // We haven't seen this one before... create root // pRoot=AllocateNode(); pRoot->cType=NODETYPE_ROOT; pRoot->nOccurances=1;

    // Create leaf and attach it to the root we just created // pLeaf=AllocateNode(); pLeaf->cType=NODETYPE_LEAF; pLeaf->nItem=m_pnItems[i]; pLeaf->pvParent=(void *)pRoot; pRoot->pvChildL=(void *)pLeaf; pRoot->pvChildR=NULL; } else { // Increase the occurance of the unique item // pRoot=FindRootByLeaf(pLeaf); pRoot->nOccurances++; } }

    return TRUE; }

    bool CCmpr::CreateHuffmanTree(void) { int i; int nNumRoots; hc_node_t *pRoot1; hc_node_t *pRoot2; hc_node_t *pNode; hc_node_t *pNode2;

    // Allocate memory for tree // if(!InitNodePool()) return FALSE;

    // Analyze items // if(!AnalyzeItems()) return FALSE;

    // Now we have some leaves with a LOT of roots... Our job is now to reduce this to only ONE root // nNumRoots=CountRoots();

    // Continue until only one root is left... // while(nNumRoots>1) { // Find the two least important roots // pRoot1=FindLeastImportantRoot(NULL); pRoot2=FindLeastImportantRoot(pRoot1);

    // Combine them // if(pRoot1->pvChildR==NULL && pRoot2->pvChildR==NULL) { // A B (A+B) // | + | = / \ // X Y X Y pRoot1->pvChildR=pRoot2->pvChildL; ((hc_node_t *)pRoot1->pvChildR)->pvParent=(void *)pRoot1;

    pRoot1->nOccurances+=pRoot2->nOccurances; FreeNode(pRoot2); } else if(pRoot1->pvChildR==NULL && pRoot2->pvChildR!=NULL) { // A B (A+B) // | + / \ = / \ // X Y Z X * // / \ // Y Z pNode=AllocateNode(); pNode->cType=NODETYPE_NODE; pNode->pvParent=(void *)pRoot1; pNode->pvChildL=pRoot2->pvChildL; pNode->pvChildR=pRoot2->pvChildR; ((hc_node_t *)pNode->pvChildL)->pvParent=(void *)pNode; ((hc_node_t *)pNode->pvChildR)->pvParent=(void *)pNode;

    pRoot1->pvChildR=(void *)pNode; pRoot1->nOccurances+=pRoot2->nOccurances;

    FreeNode(pRoot2); } else if(pRoot1->pvChildR!=NULL && pRoot2->pvChildR==NULL) { // A B (A+B) // / \ + | = / \ // X Y Z * Z // / \ // X Y pNode=AllocateNode(); pNode->cType=NODETYPE_NODE; pNode->pvParent=(void *)pRoot1; pNode->pvChildL=pRoot1->pvChildL; pNode->pvChildR=pRoot1->pvChildR; ((hc_node_t *)pNode->pvChildL)->pvParent=(void *)pNode; ((hc_node_t *)pNode->pvChildR)->pvParent=(void *)pNode;

    pRoot1->pvChildL=(void *)pNode; pRoot1->pvChildR=(void *)pRoot2->pvChildL; ((hc_node_t *)pRoot1->pvChildR)->pvParent=(void *)pRoot1; pRoot1->nOccurances+=pRoot2->nOccurances;

    FreeNode(pRoot2); } else if(pRoot1->pvChildR!=NULL && pRoot2->pvChildR!=NULL) { // A B (A+B) // / \ + / \ = / \ // W X Y Z * * // /\ /\ // W X Y Z pNode=AllocateNode(); pNode->cType=NODETYPE_NODE; pNode->pvParent=(void *)pRoot1; pNode->pvChildL=pRoot1->pvChildL; pNode->pvChildR=pRoot1->pvChildR; ((hc_node_t *)pNode->pvChildL)->pvParent=(void *)pNode; ((hc_node_t *)pNode->pvChildR)->pvParent=(void *)pNode;

    pNode2=AllocateNode(); pNode2->cType=NODETYPE_NODE; pNode2->pvParent=(void *)pRoot1; pNode2->pvChildL=pRoot2->pvChildL; pNode2->pvChildR=pRoot2->pvChildR; ((hc_node_t *)pNode2->pvChildL)->pvParent=(void *)pNode2; ((hc_node_t *)pNode2->pvChildR)->pvParent=(void *)pNode2;

    pRoot1->pvChildL=(void *)pNode; pRoot1->pvChildR=(void *)pNode2;


    FreeNode(pRoot2); }

    nNumRoots--; }

    // The encoding tree is now DONE // return TRUE; }

    void CCmpr::EncodeItem(hc_item_t *pItem,hc_node_t *pLeaf) { ITEMCODEWORD nBits; int nLevels; hc_node_t *pNode; hc_node_t *pPrev; int i;

    // Backtrace to root // pNode=(hc_node_t *)pLeaf->pvParent; pPrev=pLeaf; nLevels=0; nBits=0;

    while(pNode) { // Where did we come from? // if(pPrev==pNode->pvChildL) { // From the left // // Bit OFF // } else if(pPrev==pNode->pvChildR) { // From the right // // Bit ON // nBits|=(1<<nLevels); }

    if(pNode->cType==NODETYPE_ROOT) { // We have found the root!! // break; }

    nLevels++; pPrev=pNode; pNode=(hc_node_t *)pNode->pvParent; }


    // We have determined the route BACKWARDS -- now reverse it // pItem->nCodeWord=0;

    for(i=0;i<nLevels;i++) { if(nBits & (1<<i)) { pItem->nCodeWord|=(1<<(nLevels-i-1)); } }

    pItem->cBits=nLevels; }

    bool CCmpr::HuffmanEncode(void) { int i,j,k; int nIndex; hc_item_t *pTable; unsigned char *pcCompressedData; unsigned char *pcTmp; int nCompressedSize; int nOffset=0; int nBitOffset=0; int nPtr; unsigned char cByte; unsigned short nWord;

    // Create encoding tree // if(!CreateHuffmanTree()) return FALSE;

    // Before we can do the encoding, we'll have to set up a quick lookup table for codewords // pTable=(hc_item_t *)malloc(sizeof(hc_item_t)*CountLeaves()); if(!pTable) return FALSE;


    for(i=0;i<m_nLastNode;i++) { if(m_pNodePool[i].bUsed && m_pNodePool[i].node.cType==NODETYPE_LEAF) { pTable[nIndex].nItem=m_pNodePool[i].node.nItem;

    // Encode the item // EncodeItem(&pTable[nIndex],&m_pNodePool[i].node);

    nIndex++; } }

    // Allocate memory for compressed data // pcCompressedData=(unsigned char *)malloc(m_nInputSize*2); if(!pcCompressedData) return FALSE;


    // With the table up-and-running we can do the actual encoding of data // for(i=0;i<m_nNumItems;i++) { // Find the item's codeword in the table // for(j=0;j<nIndex;j++) { if(pTable[j].nItem==m_pnItems[i]) { // Send it to the bitstream // for(k=0;k<pTable[j].cBits;k++) { if(pTable[j].nCodeWord & (1<<k)) pcCompressedData[nOffset] |= (1<<nBitOffset);

    // Increase the bit offset // nBitOffset++; if(nBitOffset>7) { nBitOffset=0; nOffset++; } } } } }

    nCompressedSize=nOffset; if(nBitOffset>0) nCompressedSize++;

    // Now it is time to put the various things together -- the table and the data we just encoded // pcTmp=(unsigned char *)malloc(m_nInputSize*2+4096); if(!pcTmp) return FALSE;

    nPtr=0; // Make room for header // nPtr+=8; // Write table // memcpy(&pcTmp[nPtr],&nIndex,4); nPtr+=4;

    for(i=0;i<nIndex;i++) { memcpy(&pcTmp[nPtr],&pTable[i].cBits,1); nPtr++;

    if(pTable[i].cBits<=8) { cByte=pTable[i].nCodeWord; memcpy(&pcTmp[nPtr],&cByte,1); nPtr++; } else if(pTable[i].cBits<=16) { nWord=pTable[i].nCodeWord; memcpy(&pcTmp[nPtr],&nWord,2); nPtr+=2; } else { memcpy(&pcTmp[nPtr],&pTable[i].nCodeWord,4); nPtr+=4; }

    memcpy(&pcTmp[nPtr],&pTable[i].nItem,4); nPtr+=4; }

    // Write compressed data // memcpy(&pcTmp[nPtr],pcCompressedData,nCompressedSize); nPtr+=nCompressedSize;

    // Write header // memcpy(&pcTmp[0],&m_nInputSize,4); memcpy(&pcTmp[4],&nCompressedSize,4); // FINISHED! // m_pvOutput=(void *)malloc(nPtr); if(!m_pvOutput) return FALSE;

    memcpy(m_pvOutput,pcTmp,nPtr); m_nOutputSize=nPtr;

    // Free stuff // free((void *)pTable); free(pcCompressedData); free(pcTmp); FreeNodePool();

    return TRUE; }

    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Data compression // bool CCmpr::Compress(void) { int i;

    // Do first step of compression (RLE) // if(!CreateItemList()) return FALSE;

    // Do Second step of compression (Huffman) // if(!HuffmanEncode()) return FALSE;

    // Clean up // free(m_pnItems);

    return TRUE; }

    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // D E C O M P R E S S I O N // bool CCmpr::Uncompress(void) { int nRBit,nRByte,nLevel; unsigned char *pcInput; unsigned char *pcOutput; int nReadPtr,nWritePtr; int nItemTypes; int nRawSize,nCompressedSize; hc_item_t *pTable; int i,j; unsigned char cByte; unsigned short nWord; unsigned char *pcStream; ITEMCODEWORD nCodeWord; bool bEqual; int nLen,nMLen; int nOffset;

    pcInput=(unsigned char *)m_pvInput;

    // First step of decompression is to get the decoding table // memcpy(&nRawSize,&pcInput[0],4); memcpy(&nCompressedSize,&pcInput[4],4); memcpy(&nItemTypes,&pcInput[8],4); nReadPtr=12;

    pTable=(hc_item_t *)malloc(sizeof(hc_item_t)*nItemTypes); if(!pTable) return FALSE;

    for(i=0;i<nItemTypes;i++) { memcpy(&pTable[i].cBits,&pcInput[nReadPtr],1); nReadPtr++;

    if(pTable[i].cBits<=8) { memcpy(&cByte,&pcInput[nReadPtr],1); nReadPtr++; pTable[i].nCodeWord=cByte; } else if(pTable[i].cBits<=16) { memcpy(&nWord,&pcInput[nReadPtr],2); nReadPtr+=2; pTable[i].nCodeWord=nWord; } else { memcpy(&pTable[i].nCodeWord,&pcInput[nReadPtr],4); nReadPtr+=4; }

    memcpy(&pTable[i].nItem,&pcInput[nReadPtr],4); nReadPtr+=4; }

    // Create a pointer to the bitstream // pcStream=&pcInput[nReadPtr];

    // Start the decoding // pcOutput=(unsigned char *)malloc(nRawSize); if(!pcOutput) return FALSE;

    m_pvOutput=(void *)pcOutput;

    nRBit=0; nRByte=0; nWritePtr=0; nLevel=0; nCodeWord=0;

    // Continue until all data is restored // while(nWritePtr<nRawSize) { // Read a bit from the stream // if(pcStream[nRByte] & (1<<nRBit)) { nCodeWord|=(1<<nLevel); } nLevel++;

    // Is 'nCodeWord' found in the table? // for(i=0;i<nItemTypes;i++) { // Compare the two codewords // bEqual=TRUE; if(pTable[i].cBits==nLevel) { for(j=0;j<nLevel;j++) { if(nCodeWord & (1<<j)) { if(!(pTable[i].nCodeWord & (1<<j))) { bEqual=FALSE; break; } } else if(!(nCodeWord & (1<<j))) { if(pTable[i].nCodeWord & (1<<j)) { bEqual=FALSE; break; } } } } else { bEqual=FALSE; }

    if(bEqual) { // We've found it! // nLen=pTable[i].nItem & 0xFFFF;

    if(nLen>0) { // RLE // cByte=(pTable[i].nItem & 0xFF000000) >> 24; memset(&pcOutput[nWritePtr],cByte,nLen); nWritePtr+=nLen; }

    // Reset codeword // nLevel=0; nCodeWord=0; break; } }

    // Move to next bit // nRBit++; if(nRBit>7) { nRBit=0; nRByte++; } } m_nOutputSize=nRawSize;

    // Clean up // free(pTable);

    return TRUE; }

    Currently browsing [] (6,131 bytes) - [cmpr.h] - (2,098 bytes)

    //  Simple compression/decompression class
    //  Files: cmpr.cpp, cmpr.h
    //  By Rasmus Neckelmann (, 27/6-2001
    #ifndef __CMPR_H__
    #define __CMPR_H__

    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Misc definitions // typedef unsigned long ITEM; typedef unsigned long ITEMCODEWORD;

    #define NODETYPE_NODE 0x00 #define NODETYPE_ROOT 0x01 #define NODETYPE_LEAF 0x02

    typedef struct { unsigned char cType; void *pvParent; void *pvChildL,*pvChildR;

    // Leaves // ITEM nItem;

    // Roots // int nOccurances; } hc_node_t;

    typedef struct { bool bUsed; hc_node_t node; } hc_nodepool_t;

    typedef struct { ITEM nItem;

    unsigned char cBits; ITEMCODEWORD nCodeWord; } hc_item_t;

    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Class definition // class CCmpr { // ***** Member functions ***** // public: CCmpr(void); ~CCmpr(void);

    void SetInputData(void *pvData,int nDataSize); void *GetOutputData(void); int GetOutputSize(void);

    bool Compress(void); bool Uncompress(void);

    private: bool CreateItemList(void); bool CreateHuffmanTree(void); bool HuffmanEncode(void);

    void EncodeItem(hc_item_t *pItem,hc_node_t *pLeaf); bool AnalyzeItems(void);

    hc_node_t *FindLeafByItem(ITEM nItem); hc_node_t *FindRootByLeaf(hc_node_t *pLeaf); hc_node_t *FindLeastImportantRoot(hc_node_t *pIgnore); int CountRoots(void); int CountLeaves(void); bool InitNodePool(void); void FreeNodePool(void); hc_node_t *AllocateNode(void); void FreeNode(hc_node_t *pNode);

    // ***** Member variables ***** // public:

    private: // Data // int m_nInputSize; void *m_pvInput;

    int m_nOutputSize; void *m_pvOutput;

    // Temporary buffers and such // int m_nNumItems; ITEM *m_pnItems;

    int m_nLastNode; hc_nodepool_t *m_pNodePool; };


    Currently browsing [] (6,131 bytes) - [sample.cpp] - (2,560 bytes)

    //  Sample application using my compression/decompression class
    //  Files: sample.cpp
    //  By Rasmus Neckelmann (, 27/6-2001
    #include <windows.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <malloc.h>

    #include "cmpr.h"

    void main(int nNumArguments,char **ppcArguments) { int i; FILE *fp; int nInputDataSize; void *pvInputData; CCmpr *pCmpr;

    char *pcInputFile=NULL; char *pcOutputFile=NULL; bool bDecompress=FALSE;

    // Parse command-line arguments // for(i=1;i<nNumArguments;i++) { if(!strcmp(ppcArguments[i],"-d") || !strcmp(ppcArguments[i],"-D")) { bDecompress=TRUE; } else if(!strcmp(ppcArguments[i],"-c") || !strcmp(ppcArguments[i],"-C")) { bDecompress=FALSE; } else { if(pcInputFile==NULL) pcInputFile=ppcArguments[i]; else pcOutputFile=ppcArguments[i]; } }

    // Should we display some help text? // if(pcInputFile==NULL || pcOutputFile==NULL) { printf("usage: sample infile outfile [options]\n"); printf("options: (* = default)\n"); printf(" -d Decompress\n"); printf("* -c Compress\n"); return; }

    // Create compression/decompression object // pCmpr=new CCmpr;

    // Read input file // fp=fopen(pcInputFile,"rb"); if(!fp) { printf("Could not open input file: %s!\n",pcInputFile); return; } fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END); nInputDataSize=ftell(fp); fseek(fp,0,SEEK_SET);

    pvInputData=(void *)malloc(nInputDataSize); fread(pvInputData,nInputDataSize,1,fp); fclose(fp);

    // Set up compressor/decompressor // pCmpr->SetInputData(pvInputData,nInputDataSize);

    // Compress/decompress // if(bDecompress) { printf("Decompressing data..."); fflush(stdout); if(!pCmpr->Uncompress()) { printf("Something went wrong while decompressing data!\n"); return; } printf("OK\n"); } else { printf("Compressing data..."); fflush(stdout); if(!pCmpr->Compress()) { printf("Something went wrong while compressing data!\n"); return; } printf("OK\n"); printf("%d -> %d (%d%c)\n",nInputDataSize,pCmpr->GetOutputSize(),(pCmpr->GetOutputSize()*100)/nInputDataSize,'%'); }

    // Save // fp=fopen(pcOutputFile,"wb"); if(!fp) { printf("Could not open output file: %s!\n",pcOutputFile); return; }

    fwrite(pCmpr->GetOutputData(),pCmpr->GetOutputSize(),1,fp); fclose(fp);

    // Clean up // free(pCmpr->GetOutputData()); delete pCmpr; }

    The zip file viewer built into the Developer Toolbox made use of the zlib library, as well as the zlibdll source additions.


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