/* This is a sample text file which contains a simple shader that transforms the input vertex into clip space and writes to the output. You can see the usage macros here. This makes it more powerful and easier to alter code. */ #define V_POSITION v0 #define CR_WORLDVIEWPROJ_0 18 #define CR_WORLDVIEWPROJ_1 19 #define CR_WORLDVIEWPROJ_2 20 #define CR_WORLDVIEWPROJ_3 21 vs.1.0 ; Shader version 1.0 dp4 oPos.x, V_POSITION, c[CR_WORLDVIEWPROJ_0] ; Clip space.x dp4 oPos.y, V_POSITION, c[CR_WORLDVIEWPROJ_1] ; Clip space.y dp4 oPos.z, V_POSITION, c[CR_WORLDVIEWPROJ_2] ; Clip space.z dp4 oPos.w, V_POSITION, c[CR_WORLDVIEWPROJ_3] ; Clip space.w