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  Lightweight Profiler
  Submitted by

Since upgrading to Visual Studio.NET I've missed having an integrated profiling tool. VC6's profiler wasn't perfect but it was half useful and came with the product. vTune is available but is expensive. Additionally neither could give you real-time results in app testing to track down processing spikes. So, I decided to write a small profiling tool myself. Since I'm not an assembler guru (more like a cut 'n paste hack) I decided to write a reasonably lightweight profiler in C++ and ignore any processor features , like what vTune might use. My design goals were to create a profiler that:
  • Is reasonably lightweight.
  • Easy to use.
  • Real-time data access, you don't need to wait until application exits to get your data.
  • Frame aware, i.e. it can be used to collect data on a frame by frame basis or perhaps per second for averaged display.
  • Collects hierarchical data to aid in pinpointing bottlenecks

  • It works like this, you add a line to your code like this: Profile("Renderer"); This line will create an object that starts a timing session under the name "Renderer". You would then go about calling your rendering code. On destruction of the object it records the elapsed time against the renderer session name. If you create multiple objects of a certain name it will collate the data under the session name, for example if inside "Renderer" you have another profile timing session called "Models" to draw your models that gets called 300 times a frame it will collect these times under a single statistic. The example program also tells you how much of the renderer's time drawing models takes collectively as a percentage of the total time. Example usage is shown in Main.cpp, the examples output looks like this:
    Frame : 100
    Input : 5.25607
    AI : 10.9641
    Physics : 16.2284
    Collision : 23.1993
    Renderer : 43.4926
    Terrain : 21.4667
    Models : 21.4948 Using a technique like this makes it trivial to locate bottlenecks. When integrated in a game this might collated each second and get drawn to the screen every frame. From some basic tests I've performed I've found that the code only adds a few hundred instructions to the function The code is quite fresh and some compromises were made in the design for simplicity. The design might have flaws and the code , bugs. Because of this I'm quite keen to hear any feedback on improvements. This software is released to the public domain. Enjoy it, use it, learn from it. If you improve it I'd love to see your work. Tree.h included in the distribution is covered by GPL as indicated by the author.

    Chris Brodie

    Currently browsing [] (10,407 bytes) - [Tree.h] - (24,495 bytes)


    $Id: tree_msvc.hh,v 1.3 2002/05/28 11:53:25 t16 Exp $

    STL-like templated tree class. Copyright (C) 2001 Kasper Peeters <>

    Microsoft VC version by Jason Avinger, see for the original.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */

    #ifndef tree_hh_ #define tree_hh_

    #include <cassert> #include <memory> #include <stdexcept> #include <iterator> #include <set>

    #ifdef _MSC_VER // MSVC does not have HP style construct/destroy template <class T1, class T2> inline void constructor(T1* p, T2& val) { new ((void *) p) T1(val); }

    template <class T1> inline void constructor(T1* p) { new ((void *) p) T1; }

    template <class T1> inline void destructor(T1* p) { p->~T1(); } #else #define constructor std::construct #define destructor std::destroy #endif

    template<class T> struct tree_node_ { tree_node_<T> *parent; tree_node_<T> *first_child, *last_child; tree_node_<T> *prev_sibling, *next_sibling; T data; };

    template <class T, class tree_node_allocator = std::allocator<tree_node_<T> > > class tree { protected: typedef tree_node_<T> tree_node; public: typedef T value_type;

    class iterator; class sibling_iterator;

    tree() { head_initialise_(); } ~tree() { clear(); alloc_.deallocate(head,1); } tree(const tree<T, tree_node_allocator>& other) { head_initialise_(); copy_(other); } void operator=(const tree<T, tree_node_allocator>& other) { copy_(other); }

    class iterator { public: typedef T value_type; typedef T* pointer; typedef T& reference; typedef size_t size_type; typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type; typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;

    iterator() : node(0), skip_current_children_(false) { }

    iterator(tree_node *tn) : node(tn), skip_current_children_(false) { }

    iterator(const sibling_iterator& other) : node(other.node), skip_current_children_(false) { if(node==0) { node=other.range_last(); skip_children(); increment_(); } }

    iterator& operator++(void) { if(!increment_()) { node=0; } return *this; }

    iterator& operator--(void) { if(!decrement_()) { node=0; } return *this; }

    iterator& operator+=(unsigned int num) { while(num>0) { ++(*this); --num; } return (*this); }

    iterator& operator-=(unsigned int num) { while(num>0) { --(*this); --num; } return (*this); }

    T& operator*(void) const { return node->data; }

    T* operator->(void) const { return &(node->data); }

    bool operator==(const iterator& other) const { if(other.node==node) return true; else return false; }

    bool operator!=(const iterator& other) const { if(other.node!=node) return true; else return false; }

    iterator operator+(int num) const { iterator ret(*this); while(num>0) { ++ret; --num; } return ret; }

    sibling_iterator begin() const { sibling_iterator ret(node->first_child); ret.parent_=node; return ret; }

    sibling_iterator end() const { sibling_iterator ret(0); ret.parent_=node; return ret; }

    // do not iterate over children of this node void skip_children() { skip_current_children_=true; }

    bool is_valid() const { if(node==0) return false; else return true; }

    unsigned int number_of_children() const { tree_node *pos=node->first_child; if(pos==0) return 0; unsigned int ret=1; while(pos!=node->last_child) { ++ret; pos=pos->next_sibling; } return ret; }

    tree_node *node; private: bool increment_() { assert(node!=0); if(!skip_current_children_ && node->first_child != 0) { node=node->first_child; return true; } else { skip_current_children_=false; while(node->next_sibling==0) { node=node->parent; if(node==0) return false; } node=node->next_sibling; return true; } }

    bool decrement_() { assert(node!=0); if(node->parent==0) { if(node->last_child==0) node=node->prev_sibling; while(node->last_child) node=node->last_child; if(!node) return false; } else { if(node->prev_sibling) { if(node->prev_sibling->last_child) { node=node->prev_sibling->last_child; } else { node=node->prev_sibling; } } else { node=node->parent; if(node==0) return false; } } return true; }

    bool skip_current_children_; };

    class sibling_iterator { friend class tree<T, tree_node_allocator>; //friend class tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::iterator; public: typedef T value_type; typedef T* pointer; typedef T& reference; typedef size_t size_type; typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type; typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;

    sibling_iterator() : node(0), parent_(0) { }

    sibling_iterator(tree_node *tn) : node(tn) { set_parent_(); }

    sibling_iterator(const sibling_iterator& other) : node(other.node), parent_(other.parent_) { }

    sibling_iterator(const iterator& other) : node(other.node) { set_parent_(); }

    sibling_iterator& operator++(void) { if(node) node=node->next_sibling; return *this; }

    sibling_iterator& operator--(void) { if(node) node=node->prev_sibling; else { assert(parent_); node=parent_->last_child; } return *this; }

    sibling_iterator& operator+=(unsigned int num) { while(num>0) { ++(*this); --num; } return (*this); }

    sibling_iterator& operator-=(unsigned int num) { while(num>0) { --(*this); --num; } return (*this); }

    T& operator*(void) const { return node->data; }

    T* operator->(void) const { return &(node->data); }

    bool operator==(const sibling_iterator& other) const { if(other.node==node) return true; else return false; }

    bool operator!=(const sibling_iterator& other) const { if(other.node!=node) return true; else return false; }

    sibling_iterator operator+(int num) const { sibling_iterator ret(*this); while(num>0) { ++ret; --num; } return ret; }

    bool is_valid() const { if(node==0) return false; else return true; }

    tree_node *range_first() const { tree_node *tmp=parent_->first_child; return tmp; }

    tree_node *range_last() const { return parent_->last_child; }

    tree_node *node;

    private: void set_parent_() { parent_=0; if(node==0) return; if(node->parent!=0) parent_=node->parent; }

    tree_node *parent_; };

    // begin/end of tree iterator begin() const { return iterator(head->next_sibling); } iterator end() const { return iterator(head); } // begin/end of children of node sibling_iterator begin(iterator pos) const { if(pos.node->first_child==0) { return end(pos); } return pos.node->first_child; }

    sibling_iterator end(iterator pos) const { sibling_iterator ret(0); ret.parent_= pos.node; return ret; }

    iterator parent(iterator position) const { assert(position.node!=0); return iterator(position.node->parent); }

    iterator previous_sibling(iterator position) const { assert(position.node!=0); return iterator(position.node->prev_sibling); }

    iterator next_sibling(iterator position) const { assert(position.node!=0); return iterator(position.node->next_sibling); }

    void clear() { if(head) while(head->next_sibling!=head) erase(head->next_sibling); }

    // erase element at position pointed to by iterator, increment iterator iterator erase(iterator it) { tree_node *cur=it.node; assert(cur!=head); iterator ret=it; ret.skip_children(); ++ret; erase_children(it); if(cur->prev_sibling==0) { cur->parent->first_child=cur->next_sibling; } else { cur->prev_sibling->next_sibling=cur->next_sibling; } if(cur->next_sibling==0) { cur->parent->last_child=cur->prev_sibling; } else { cur->next_sibling->prev_sibling=cur->prev_sibling; }

    destructor(&cur->data); alloc_.deallocate(cur,1); return ret; } // erase all children of the node pointed to by iterator void erase_children(iterator it) { tree_node *cur=it.node->first_child; tree_node *prev=0;

    while(cur!=0) { prev=cur; cur=cur->next_sibling; erase_children(prev); destructor(&prev->data); alloc_.deallocate(prev,1); } it.node->first_child=0; it.node->last_child=0; }

    // insert node as last child of node pointed to by position iterator append_child(iterator position) { assert(position.node!=head);

    tree_node* tmp = alloc_.allocate(1,0); constructor(&tmp->data); tmp->first_child=0; tmp->last_child=0;

    tmp->parent=position.node; if(position.node->last_child!=0) { position.node->last_child->next_sibling=tmp; } else { position.node->first_child=tmp; } tmp->prev_sibling=position.node->last_child; position.node->last_child=tmp; tmp->next_sibling=0; return tmp; }

    iterator append_child(iterator position, const T& x) { // If your program fails here you probably used 'append_child' to add the top // node to an empty tree. From version 1.45 the top element should be added // using 'insert'. See the documentation for further information, and sorry about // the API change. assert(position.node!=head);

    tree_node* tmp = alloc_.allocate(1,0); constructor(&tmp->data, x); tmp->first_child=0; tmp->last_child=0;

    tmp->parent=position.node; if(position.node->last_child!=0) { position.node->last_child->next_sibling=tmp; } else { position.node->first_child=tmp; } tmp->prev_sibling=position.node->last_child; position.node->last_child=tmp; tmp->next_sibling=0; return tmp; }

    iterator append_child(iterator position, iterator other_position) { assert(position.node!=head);

    sibling_iterator aargh=append_child(position, value_type()); return replace(aargh, aargh+1, other, sibling_iterator(other)+1); }

    // short-hand to insert topmost node in otherwise empty tree iterator set_head(const T& x) { assert(begin()==end()); return insert(begin(), x); }

    // insert node as previous sibling of node pointed to by position iterator insert(iterator position, const T& x) { tree_node* tmp = alloc_.allocate(1,0); constructor(&tmp->data, x); tmp->first_child=0; tmp->last_child=0;

    tmp->parent=position.node->parent; tmp->next_sibling=position.node; tmp->prev_sibling=position.node->prev_sibling; position.node->prev_sibling=tmp;

    if(tmp->prev_sibling==0) tmp->parent->first_child=tmp; else tmp->prev_sibling->next_sibling=tmp; return tmp; }

    // insert node as previous sibling of node pointed to by position iterator insert(sibling_iterator position, const T& x) { tree_node* tmp = alloc_.allocate(1,0); constructor(&tmp->data, x); tmp->first_child=0; tmp->last_child=0;

    tmp->next_sibling=position.node; if(position.node==0) { // iterator points to end of a subtree tmp->parent=position.parent_; tmp->prev_sibling=position.range_last(); } else { tmp->parent=position.node->parent; tmp->prev_sibling=position.node->prev_sibling; position.node->prev_sibling=tmp; }

    if(tmp->prev_sibling==0) tmp->parent->first_child=tmp; else tmp->prev_sibling->next_sibling=tmp; return tmp; }

    // insert node (with children) pointed to by subtree as previous sibling of node pointed to by position iterator insert(iterator position, iterator subtree) { // insert dummy iterator it=insert(position, value_type()); // replace dummy with subtree return replace(it, subtree); }

    // insert node (with children) pointed to by subtree as previous sibling of node pointed to by position iterator insert(sibling_iterator position, iterator subtree) { // insert dummy iterator it=insert(position, value_type()); // replace dummy with subtree return replace(it, subtree); }

    // insert node as next sibling of node pointed to by position iterator insert_after(iterator position, const T& x) { tree_node* tmp = alloc_.allocate(1,0); constructor(&tmp->data, x); tmp->first_child=0; tmp->last_child=0;

    tmp->parent=position.node->parent; tmp->prev_sibling=position.node; tmp->next_sibling=position.node->next_sibling; position.node->next_sibling=tmp;

    if(tmp->next_sibling==0) { tmp->parent->last_child=tmp; } return tmp; }

    // replace node at 'position' with other node (keeping same children) iterator replace(iterator position, const T& x) { destructor(&position.node->data); constructor(&position.node->data, x); return position; }

    // replace node at 'position' with subtree starting at 'from' (do not erase subtree at 'from') iterator replace(iterator position, iterator from) { assert(position.node!=head);

    tree_node *current_from=from.node; tree_node *start_from=from.node; tree_node *last=from.node->next_sibling; tree_node *current_to =position.node;

    // replace the node at position with head of the replacement tree at from erase_children(position); tree_node* tmp = alloc_.allocate(1,0); constructor(&tmp->data, (*from)); tmp->first_child=0; tmp->last_child=0; if(current_to->prev_sibling==0) { current_to->parent->first_child=tmp; } else { current_to->prev_sibling->next_sibling=tmp; } tmp->prev_sibling=current_to->prev_sibling; if(current_to->next_sibling==0) { current_to->parent->last_child=tmp; } else { current_to->next_sibling->prev_sibling=tmp; } tmp->next_sibling=current_to->next_sibling; tmp->parent=current_to->parent; destructor(¤t_to->data); alloc_.deallocate(current_to,1); current_to=tmp;

    iterator toit=tmp;

    // copy all children do { assert(current_from!=0); if(current_from->first_child != 0) { current_from=current_from->first_child; toit=append_child(toit, current_from->data); } else { while(current_from->next_sibling==0 && current_from!=start_from) { current_from=current_from->parent; toit=parent(toit); assert(current_from!=0); } current_from=current_from->next_sibling; if(current_from!=last) { toit=append_child(parent(toit), current_from->data); } } } while(current_from!=last);

    return current_to; }

    // replace string of siblings (plus their children) with copy of a new string (with children) iterator replace(sibling_iterator orig_begin, sibling_iterator orig_end, sibling_iterator new_begin, sibling_iterator new_end) { tree_node *orig_first=orig_begin.node; tree_node *new_first=new_begin.node; tree_node *orig_last=orig_first; while(++orig_begin!=orig_end) orig_last=orig_last->next_sibling; tree_node *new_last=new_first; while(++new_begin!=new_end) new_last=new_last->next_sibling;

    // insert all siblings in new_first..new_last before orig_first bool first=true; iterator ret; while(1==1) { iterator tt=insert(iterator(orig_first), new_first); if(first) { ret=tt; first=false; } if(new_first==new_last) break; new_first=new_first->next_sibling; }

    // erase old range of siblings bool last=false; tree_node *next=orig_first; while(1==1) { if(next==orig_last) last=true; next=next->next_sibling; erase(orig_first); if(last) break; orig_first=next; } return ret; }

    // move all children of node at 'position' to be siblings iterator flatten(iterator position) { if(position.node->first_child==0) return position;

    tree_node *tmp=position.node->first_child; while(tmp) { tmp->parent=position.node->parent; tmp=tmp->next_sibling; } if(position.node->next_sibling) { position.node->last_child->next_sibling=position.node->next_sibling; position.node->next_sibling->prev_sibling=position.node->last_child; } else { position.node->parent->last_child=position.node->last_child; } position.node->next_sibling=position.node->first_child; position.node->next_sibling->prev_sibling=position.node; position.node->first_child=0; position.node->last_child=0;

    return position; }

    // move nodes in range to be children of 'position' iterator reparent(iterator position, sibling_iterator begin, sibling_iterator end) { tree_node *first=begin.node; tree_node *last=first; while(++begin!=end) { last=last->next_sibling; } // move subtree if(first->prev_sibling==0) { first->parent->first_child=last->next_sibling; } else { first->prev_sibling->next_sibling=last->next_sibling; } if(last->next_sibling==0) { last->parent->last_child=first->prev_sibling; } else { last->next_sibling->prev_sibling=first->prev_sibling; } if(position.node->first_child==0) { position.node->first_child=first; position.node->last_child=last; first->prev_sibling=0; } else { position.node->last_child->next_sibling=first; first->prev_sibling=position.node->last_child; position.node->last_child=last; } last->next_sibling=0;

    tree_node *pos=first; while(1==1) { pos->parent=position.node; if(pos==last) break; pos=pos->next_sibling; }

    return first; }

    // ditto, the range being all children of the 'from' node iterator reparent(iterator position, iterator from) { if(from.node->first_child==0) return position; return reparent(position, from.node->first_child, from.node->last_child); }

    // merge with other tree, creating new branches and leaves only if they are not already present void merge(iterator position, iterator other, bool duplicate_leaves=false) { sibling_iterator fnd; sibling_iterator oit=other; while(oit.is_valid()) { if((fnd=find(position.begin(), position.end(), (*other)))!=position.end()) { if(duplicate_leaves && other.begin()==other.end()) { // it's a leave append_child(position, (*other)); } else { if(other.begin()!=other.end()) merge(fnd, other.begin(), duplicate_leaves); } } else { insert(position.end(), oit); } ++oit; } }

    // sort (std::sort only moves values of nodes, this one moves children as well) void sort(sibling_iterator from, sibling_iterator to, bool deep=false) { std::less<T> comp; sort(from, to, comp, deep); }

    template<class StrictWeakOrdering> void sort(sibling_iterator from, sibling_iterator to, StrictWeakOrdering comp, bool deep=false) { if(from==to) return; // make list of sorted nodes // CHECK: if multiset stores equivalent nodes in the order in which they // are inserted, then this routine should be called 'stable_sort'. std::multiset<tree_node *, compare_nodes<StrictWeakOrdering> > nodes; sibling_iterator it=from, it2=to; while(it != to) { nodes.insert(it.node); ++it; } // reassemble --it2; tree_node *prev=from.node->prev_sibling; tree_node *next=it2.node->next_sibling; typename std::multiset<tree_node *, compare_nodes<StrictWeakOrdering> >::iterator nit=nodes.begin(), eit=nodes.end(); if(prev==0) { (*nit)->parent->first_child=(*nit); } --eit; while(nit!=eit) { (*nit)->prev_sibling=prev; if(prev) prev->next_sibling=(*nit); prev=(*nit); ++nit; } if(prev) prev->next_sibling=(*eit); (*eit)->next_sibling=next; if(next==0) { (*eit)->parent->last_child=next; }

    if(deep) { // sort the children of each node too sibling_iterator bcs(*nodes.begin()); sibling_iterator ecs(*eit); ++ecs; while(bcs!=ecs) { sort(begin(bcs), end(bcs), comp, deep); ++bcs; } } }

    // compare subtrees starting at the two iterators (compares nodes as well as tree structure) template<class BinaryPredicate> bool equal(iterator one, iterator two, iterator three, BinaryPredicate fun) const { while(one!=two && three.is_valid()) { if(one.number_of_children()!=three.number_of_children()) return false; if(!fun(*one,*three)) return false; ++one; ++three; } return true; }

    // extract a new tree formed by the range of siblings plus all their children tree subtree(sibling_iterator from, sibling_iterator to) const { tree tmp; tmp.set_head(value_type()); tmp.replace(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), from, to); return tmp; }

    void subtree(tree&, sibling_iterator from, sibling_iterator to) const { tmp.set_head(value_type()); tmp.replace(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), from, to); } // count the total number of nodes int size() const { int i=0; iterator it=begin(), eit=end(); while(it!=eit) { ++i; ++it; } return i; }

    // compute the depth to the root int depth(iterator it) const { tree_node* pos=it.node; assert(pos!=0); int ret=0; while(pos->parent!=0) { pos=pos->parent; ++ret; } return ret; }

    // count the number of children of node at position unsigned int number_of_children(iterator it) const { tree_node *pos=it.node->first_child; if(pos==0) return 0; unsigned int ret=1; while(pos!=it.node->last_child) { ++ret; pos=pos->next_sibling; } return ret; }

    // count the number of 'next' siblings of node at iterator unsigned int number_of_siblings(iterator it) const { tree_node *pos=it.node; unsigned int ret=1; while(pos->next_sibling && pos->next_sibling!=head) { ++ret; pos=pos->next_sibling; } return ret; }

    // determine whether node at position is in the subtrees with root in the range bool is_in_subtree(iterator position, iterator begin, iterator end) const { // FIXME: this should be optimised. iterator tmp=begin; while(tmp!=end) { if(tmp==it) return true; ++tmp; } return false; }

    // return the n-th child of the node at position T& child(iterator position, unsigned int) const { tree_node *tmp=it.node->first_child; while(num--) { assert(tmp!=0); tmp=tmp->next_sibling; } return tmp->data; }

    private: tree_node_allocator alloc_; tree_node *head; // head is always a dummy; if an iterator points to head it is invalid void head_initialise_() { head = alloc_.allocate(1,0); // MSVC does not have default second argument head->parent=0; head->first_child=0; head->last_child=0; head->prev_sibling=head; head->next_sibling=head; }

    void copy_(const tree<T, tree_node_allocator>& other) { clear(); iterator it=other.begin(), to=begin(); while(it!=other.end()) { to=insert(to, (*it)); it.skip_children(); ++it; } to=begin(); it=other.begin(); while(it!=other.end()) { to=replace(to, it); to.skip_children(); it.skip_children(); ++to; ++it; } }

    template<class StrictWeakOrdering> class compare_nodes { public: bool operator()(const tree_node* a, const tree_node* b) { static StrictWeakOrdering comp; return comp(a->data, b->data); } }; };


    // Local variables: // default-tab-width: 3 // End:

    Currently browsing [] (10,407 bytes) - [PerformanceMonitor.cpp] - (970 bytes)

    //#include "stdafx.h"

    /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interface Include file -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "PerformanceMonitor.h"

    /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Includes for Implementation -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

    /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Globals -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ tree<CPerformanceStatistics> CPerformanceMonitor::Statistics; tree<CPerformanceStatistics>::sibling_iterator CPerformanceMonitor::s_Parent = Statistics.begin();

    Currently browsing [] (10,407 bytes) - [PerformanceMonitor.h] - (1,955 bytes)

    #pragma once

    Performance Monitor.

    Creating a performance monitor object will start a sampling session. Samples taken within other sessions are built as a tree structure.



    /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Includes for Interface -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include <string> #include "Tree.h" #include "Timer.h"

    /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class CPerformanceStatistics { public:

    CPerformanceStatistics(const std::string& a_Name); bool operator== (const CPerformanceStatistics& a_Stats) const;


    std::string Name; float Percent; unsigned int Min; unsigned int Max; unsigned int TotalTime; unsigned int Samples;


    class CPerformanceMonitor { public:

    CPerformanceMonitor(const char* a_Name); ~CPerformanceMonitor();

    static void Reset(void);


    static tree<CPerformanceStatistics> Statistics;


    CTimer m_Timer; tree<CPerformanceStatistics>::iterator m_ThisNode; static tree<CPerformanceStatistics>::sibling_iterator s_Parent;


    /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inlined Functions -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "PerformanceMonitor.inl"

    #ifdef PERFORMANCE_MONITOR_ENABLED #define Profile(Name) CPerformanceMonitor PerformanceMonitor(Name) #else #define Profile(Name) #endif


    Currently browsing [] (10,407 bytes) - [Timer Win32.cpp] - (1,303 bytes)

    //#include "stdafx.h"

    /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interface Include file -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "Timer.h"

    /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Includes for Implementation -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

    /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Globals -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

    /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assumption: CPUID instruction is actually supported. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int CTimer::GetTicks(void) { unsigned int Elapsed; _asm //Taken from AMD SDK { xor eax, eax xor ebx, ebx xor ecx, ecx xor edx, edx _emit 0x0f // CPUID _emit 0xa2 _emit 0x0f // RDTSC _emit 0x31 mov [Elapsed], eax } return Elapsed; }

    Currently browsing [] (10,407 bytes) - [Timer.h] - (1,178 bytes)

    #pragma once
    #ifndef TIMER_H
    #define TIMER_H

    Clock starts on construction, no cache warming takes place, no overhead is calculated as the aim here is to be lightweight, not accurate down to the individual clock cycle.


    /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Includes for Interface -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

    /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ class CTimer { public:


    void Reset(void);

    unsigned int ElapsedTicks(void);


    static unsigned int GetTicks(void);


    unsigned int m_Start;


    /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inlined Functions -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "Timer.inl"

    #endif //TIMER_H

    Currently browsing [] (10,407 bytes) - [Main.cpp] - (1,735 bytes)

    #include <iostream>
    #include "PerformanceMonitor.h"

    using namespace std;

    void main(void) { try { for (int j=0; j<5; ++j) { Profile("Frame");

    { Profile("Input"); for(int k=0; k<8000; ++k); }

    { Profile("AI"); for(int k=0; k<20000; ++k); }

    { Profile("Physics"); for(int k=0; k<30000; ++k); }

    { Profile("Collision"); for(int k=0; k<40000; ++k); }

    { Profile("Renderer"); { Profile("Terrain"); for(int k=0; k<40000; ++k); } { Profile("Models"); for(int k=0; k<40000; ++k); } } } } catch(...) {


    //Dummy reporting process. std::string Tabs; for (tree<CPerformanceStatistics>::iterator itr = CPerformanceMonitor::Statistics.begin(); itr != CPerformanceMonitor::Statistics.end(); ++itr) { Tabs.resize(CPerformanceMonitor::Statistics.depth(itr) * 4);

    tree<CPerformanceStatistics>::iterator Parent = CPerformanceMonitor::Statistics.parent(itr); if (Parent == 0) std::cout << Tabs << itr->Name << " : 100" << std::endl; else { itr->Percent = ((float)itr->TotalTime / (float)Parent->TotalTime) * Parent->Percent; std::cout << Tabs << itr->Name << " : " << itr->Percent * 100 << std::endl; }

    //std::cout << Tabs << itr->Name << " Minimum : " << itr->Min << std::endl; //std::cout << Tabs << itr->Name << " Maximum : " << itr->Max << std::endl; //std::cout << Tabs << itr->Name << " Average : " << itr->TotalTime/itr->Samples << std::endl; //std::cout << Tabs << itr->Name << " Total : " << itr->TotalTime << std::endl; //std::cout << Tabs << itr->Name << " Samples : " << itr->Samples << std::endl; }


    The zip file viewer built into the Developer Toolbox made use of the zlib library, as well as the zlibdll source additions.


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