// File: hypercloud.h
// Created: 28.11.2001 in Delphi for I-Tex 2.2, converted to C++ 3.2.2002
// Author: Tobias Reichert
// Email: tobias_reichert@i-tex.de
// Summary: The class THyperCloudTexture is initialized
// with the Init(...) method that sets random seed and
// initializes the parameters and random value cache.
// double GetValue4D(x,y,z,time) returns a depth value [0..1).
// Animated this looks life boiling water ;-)
// Computation Expense : O(Octaves*Density*2^Dimension),
// nothing for realtime apps, but can be optimized a lot
#include "math.hpp"
#include "math.h"
class THyperCloudTexture
int RSeed; //Random Seed, use full range
int Octaves; //Detail, Proportional to Computation Expense, use 6+
int Density; //Number of Puffs per Gridcell, use [1..20]
double SubScale; //Resolution for Octave(n)=Subscale^n, use [1 .. 4]
double Persistance; //Valence for Octave(n)=
//Persistance^n/Sum(all Octave Valences)
//use [0 .. 1)
double ReciPuffSize; //1/Size of Cloud Puffs, use [0.5 .. 1)
double Amplify; //Values can be very low, scale with this
double Bias; //Make also Brighter with this Value
double ReciOctaveSum; //is 1/Sum(all Octave Valances), Initialized by Init()
double FNoiseArray[1024]; //RandomPool of Doubles
int INoiseArray[1024]; //RandomPool of Integers
double __fastcall DirectRandom(int i);
void __fastcall Init(int pRSeed,
int pOctaves,
int pDensity,
double pSubScale,
double pPersistance,
double pPuffSize,
double pAmplify,
double pBias);
double __fastcall GetValue4D(double x,
double y,
double z,
double t);
double __fastcall THyperCloudTexture::DirectRandom(int i)
return abs(((i + i * ( 89603 + i *46703) ) * 114269) % 9995057 )
* (double)1.000494544453323e-7;
void __fastcall THyperCloudTexture::Init(int pRSeed,
int pOctaves,
int pDensity,
double pSubScale,
double pPersistance,
double pPuffSize,
double pAmplify,
double pBias)
//Example : THyperCloudTexture *Clouds;
// Clouds=new(THyperCloudTexture);
// Clouds->Init(123,6,20,2,0.6,0.8,4,0.1);
//Copy Parameters to Internal Variables
RSeed = pRSeed;
Octaves = pOctaves;
Density = pDensity;
SubScale = pSubScale;
Persistance = pPersistance;
//Puffs with Size=0 would not be very useful (and cause DbZ)
if (pPuffSize>0) { ReciPuffSize = sqrt(1/pPuffSize); }
{ ReciPuffSize = 10; }
Amplify = pAmplify;
Bias = pBias;
//Compute 1/Sum(persistance^n,n=0..octaves-1);
if (Octaves==0) {Octaves=1;} //Just for the case ...
if (Persistance==1)
{ ReciOctaveSum = 1/Octaves; }
{ ReciOctaveSum = (Persistance-1) / (IntPower(Persistance,Octaves) - 1) ; }
//Init Cached Random Arrays
for (int i=0; i<1024; i++)
FNoiseArray[i] = DirectRandom(i*101+RSeed);
INoiseArray[i] = (int)(33111*DirectRandom(i*91+RSeed));
double __fastcall THyperCloudTexture::GetValue4D(double x,
double y,
double z,
double t)
int i,d; //Some Working Variables
int tx,ty,tz,tt; //Scan loop Variables
int nd; //Octave "ANDing" Argument = 2^n-1
double c=0; //Return Value
double b;
double p=1; //Persistance
int intx,inty,intz,intt;
int offx,offy,offz,offt;
double fracx,fracy,fracz,fract;
double fx,fy,fz,ft;
int inoff;
double SqrDist;
double PuffDens;
double ReciSize;
int cachex,cachey,cachez,cachet;
int r;
for (i=0;i<Octaves;i++) //Add Octaves
inoff = i * 44111 + RSeed; //Every Octave uses modified RSeed
intx = (int)x; //round down to Int of x,y,z,t
inty = (int)y;
intz = (int)z;
intt = (int)t;
fracx = x-(double)intx; //fraction [0..1) value of x,y,z,t
fracy = y-(double)inty;
fracz = z-(double)intz;
fract = t-(double)intt;
//Determine Cells to be checked
(fracx<0.5) ? (offx=-1) : (offx=0);
(fracy<0.5) ? (offy=-1) : (offy=0);
(fracz<0.5) ? (offz=-1) : (offz=0);
(fract<0.5) ? (offt=-1) : (offt=0);
//Initialize Octave-Value b
for (d=0;d<Density;d++)
for (tt=offt;tt<=offt+1;tt++) //Scan for Overlapping Cells in dim-(t)ime
cachet = ((intt+tt) & nd);
for (tz=offz;tz<=offz+1;tz++) //Scan for Overlapping Cells in dim-z
cachez = ((intz+tz) & nd);
for (ty=offy;ty<=offy+1;ty++) //Scan for Overlapping Cells in dim-y
cachey = ((inty+ty) & nd);
for (tx=offx;tx<=offx+1;tx++) //Scan for Overlapping Cells in dim-x
cachex = ((intx+tx) & nd);
//Compute x-coordinate of element d
r = cachex*33001 + cachey*49937 + cachez*53441 + cachet*21839 + inoff;
fx = (double)tx+FNoiseArray[(INoiseArray[r & 1023] + r * 52223) & 1023]-fracx;
//Compute y-coordinate of element d
r = cachex*49937 + cachey*53441 + cachez*21839 + cachet*33001 + inoff;
fy = (double)ty+FNoiseArray[(INoiseArray[r & 1023] + r * 21839) & 1023]-fracy;
//Compute t-coordinate of element d
r = cachex*53441 + cachey*21839 + cachez*33001 + cachet*49937 + inoff;
fz = (double)tz+FNoiseArray[(INoiseArray[r & 1023] + r * 49937) & 1023]-fracz;
//Compute t-coordinate of element d
r = cachex*21839 + cachey*33001 + cachez*49937 + cachet*53441 + inoff;
ft = (double)tt+FNoiseArray[(INoiseArray[r & 1023] + r * 53441) & 1023]-fract;
//Compute 1/Size of element d
r = cachex*33001 + cachey*49937 + cachez*53441 + cachet*21839 + inoff;
ReciSize = ((2+FNoiseArray[(INoiseArray[r & 1023] + r * 52223) & 1023])*ReciPuffSize);
//Compute brightness of element d
r = cachex*33001 + cachey*21839 + cachez*53441 + cachet*49937 + inoff;
PuffDens = 0.1+0.9*(FNoiseArray[(INoiseArray[r & 1023] + r * 52223) & 1023]);
//Compute 1-(Pixel-Puff-Distance)^2 , Distance = Sum((Dimension-Distance)^2)
SqrDist = PuffDens * (1-(fx*fx + fy*fy + fz*fz + ft*ft)*ReciSize*ReciSize);
//If distance is lower (1-distance greater) than beforce, remember it
if (SqrDist>b) { b=SqrDist; }
} //End tx-loop
} //End ty-loop
} //End tz-loop
} //End tt-loop
//Change Random for each Element
inoff += 101;
} //End d-loop
//Add Result of the Octave * Persistance
c += sqrt(b)*p;
//Higher Octaves are scaled with the SubScale Parameter
//Compute Next Persistance
//Scale and Transform Result and Return Value
return 1-exp(-c*Amplify * ReciOctaveSum - Bias);
} |