// 3D Studio Model Class
// by: Matthew Fairfax
// Model_3DS.cpp: implementation of the Model_3DS class.
// This is a simple class for loading and viewing
// 3D Studio model files (.3ds). It supports models
// with multiple objects. It also supports multiple
// textures per object. It does not support the animation
// for 3D Studio models b/c there are simply too many
// ways for an artist to animate a 3D Studio model and
// I didn't want to impose huge limitations on the artists.
// However, I have imposed a limitation on how the models are
// textured:
// 1) Every faces must be assigned a material
// 2) If you want the face to be textured assign the
// texture to the Diffuse Color map
// 3) The texture must be supported by the GLTexture class
// which only supports bitmap and targa right now
// 4) The texture must be located in the same directory as
// the model
// Support for non-textured faces is done by reading the color
// from the material's diffuse color.
// Some models have problems loading even if you follow all of
// the restrictions I have stated and I don't know why. If you
// can import the 3D Studio file into Milkshape 3D
// (http://www.swissquake.ch/chumbalum-soft) and then export it
// to a new 3D Studio file. This seems to fix many of the problems
// but there is a limit on the number of faces and vertices Milkshape 3D
// can read.
// Usage:
// Model_3DS m;
// m.Load("model.3ds"); // Load the model
// m.Draw(); // Renders the model to the screen
// // If you want to show the model's normals
// m.shownormals = true;
// // If the model is not going to be lit then set the lit
// // variable to false. It defaults to true.
// m.lit = false;
// // You can disable the rendering of the model
// m.visible = false;
// // You can move and rotate the model like this:
// m.rot.x = 90.0f;
// m.rot.y = 30.0f;
// m.rot.z = 0.0f;
// m.pos.x = 10.0f;
// m.pos.y = 0.0f;
// m.pos.z = 0.0f;
// // If you want to move or rotate individual objects
// m.Objects[0].rot.x = 90.0f;
// m.Objects[0].rot.y = 30.0f;
// m.Objects[0].rot.z = 0.0f;
// m.Objects[0].pos.x = 10.0f;
// m.Objects[0].pos.y = 0.0f;
// m.Objects[0].pos.z = 0.0f;
// This is used to generate a warning from the compiler
#define _QUOTE(x) # x
#define QUOTE(x) _QUOTE(x)
#define __FILE__LINE__ __FILE__ "(" QUOTE(__LINE__) ") : "
#define warn( x ) message( __FILE__LINE__ #x "\n" )
// You need to uncomment this if you are using MFC
#pragma warn( You need to uncomment this if you are using MFC )
//#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Model_3DS.h"
#include <math.h> // Header file for the math library
#include <gl\gl.h> // Header file for the OpenGL32 library
// The chunk's id numbers
#define MAIN3DS 0x4D4D
#define MAIN_VERS 0x0002
#define EDIT3DS 0x3D3D
#define MESH_VERS 0x3D3E
#define OBJECT 0x4000
#define TRIG_MESH 0x4100
#define VERT_LIST 0x4110
#define FACE_DESC 0x4120
#define FACE_MAT 0x4130
#define TEX_VERTS 0x4140
#define SMOOTH_GROUP 0x4150
#define LOCAL_COORDS 0x4160
#define MAT_NAME 0xA000
#define MAT_AMBIENT 0xA010
#define MAT_DIFFUSE 0xA020
#define MAT_SPECULAR 0xA030
#define SHINY_PERC 0xA040
#define SHINY_STR_PERC 0xA041
#define TRANS_PERC 0xA050
#define TRANS_FOFF_PERC 0xA052
#define REF_BLUR_PERC 0xA053
#define RENDER_TYPE 0xA100
#define SELF_ILLUM 0xA084
#define MAT_SELF_ILPCT 0xA08A
#define WIRE_THICKNESS 0xA087
#define MAT_TEXMAP 0xA200
#define MAT_MAPNAME 0xA300
#define ONE_UNIT 0x0100
#define KEYF3DS 0xB000
#define FRAMES 0xB008
#define MESH_INFO 0xB002
#define HIER_POS 0xB030
#define HIER_FATHER 0xB010
#define PIVOT_PT 0xB013
#define TRACK00 0xB020
#define TRACK01 0xB021
#define TRACK02 0xB022
#define COLOR_RGB 0x0010
#define COLOR_TRU 0x0011
#define COLOR_TRUG 0x0012
#define COLOR_RGBG 0x0013
#define PERC_INT 0x0030
#define PERC_FLOAT 0x0031
// Construction/Destruction
// Initialization
// Don't show the normals by default
shownormals = false;
// The model is lit by default
lit = true;
// The model is visible by default
visible = true;
// Set up the default position
pos.x = 0.0f;
pos.y = 0.0f;
pos.z = 0.0f;
// Set up the default rotation
rot.x = 0.0f;
rot.y = 0.0f;
rot.z = 0.0f;
// Set up the path
path = new char[80];
sprintf(path, "");
// Zero out our counters for MFC
numObjects = 0;
numMaterials = 0;
// Set the scale to one
scale = 1.0f;
void Model_3DS::Load(char *name)
// holds the main chunk header
ChunkHeader main;
// strip "'s
if (strstr(name, "\""))
name = strtok(name, "\"");
// Find the path
if (strstr(name, "/") || strstr(name, "\\"))
// Holds the name of the model minus the path
char *temp;
// Find the name without the path
if (strstr(name, "/"))
temp = strrchr(name, '/');
temp = strrchr(name, '\\');
// Allocate space for the path
path = new char[strlen(name)-strlen(temp)+1];
// Get a pointer to the end of the path and name
char *src = name + strlen(name) - 1;
// Back up until a \ or the start
while (src != path && !((*(src-1)) == '\\' || (*(src-1)) == '/'))
// Copy the path into path
memcpy (path, name, src-name);
path[src-name] = 0;
// Load the file
bin3ds = fopen(name,"rb");
// Make sure we are at the beginning
fseek(bin3ds, 0, SEEK_SET);
// Load the Main Chunk's header
// Start Processing
MainChunkProcessor(main.len, ftell(bin3ds));
// Don't need the file anymore so close it
// Calculate the vertex normals
// For future reference
modelname = name;
// Find the total number of faces and vertices
totalFaces = 0;
totalVerts = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numObjects; i ++)
totalFaces += Objects[i].numFaces/3;
totalVerts += Objects[i].numVerts;
// If the object doesn't have any texcoords generate some
for (int k = 0; k < numObjects; k++)
if (Objects[k].numTexCoords == 0)
// Set the number of texture coords
Objects[k].numTexCoords = Objects[k].numVerts;
// Allocate an array to hold the texture coordinates
Objects[k].TexCoords = new GLfloat[Objects[k].numTexCoords * 2];
// Make some texture coords
for (int m = 0; m < Objects[k].numTexCoords; m++)
Objects[k].TexCoords[2*m] = Objects[k].Vertexes[3*m];
Objects[k].TexCoords[2*m+1] = Objects[k].Vertexes[3*m+1];
// Let's build simple colored textures for the materials w/o a texture
for (int j = 0; j < numMaterials; j++)
if (Materials[j].textured == false)
unsigned char r = Materials[j].color.r;
unsigned char g = Materials[j].color.g;
unsigned char b = Materials[j].color.b;
Materials[j].tex.BuildColorTexture(r, g, b);
Materials[j].textured = true;
void Model_3DS::Draw()
if (visible)
// Move the model
glTranslatef(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
// Rotate the model
glRotatef(rot.x, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
glRotatef(rot.y, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
glRotatef(rot.z, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
glScalef(scale, scale, scale);
// Loop through the objects
for (int i = 0; i < numObjects; i++)
// Enable texture coordiantes, normals, and vertices arrays
if (Objects[i].textured)
if (lit)
// Point them to the objects arrays
if (Objects[i].textured)
glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, Objects[i].TexCoords);
if (lit)
glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 0, Objects[i].Normals);
glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, Objects[i].Vertexes);
// Loop through the faces as sorted by material and draw them
for (int j = 0; j < Objects[i].numMatFaces; j ++)
// Use the material's texture
// Move the model
glTranslatef(Objects[i].pos.x, Objects[i].pos.y, Objects[i].pos.z);
// Rotate the model
//glRotatef(Objects[i].rot.x, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
//glRotatef(Objects[i].rot.y, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
//glRotatef(Objects[i].rot.z, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
glRotatef(Objects[i].rot.z, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
glRotatef(Objects[i].rot.y, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
glRotatef(Objects[i].rot.x, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
// Draw the faces using an index to the vertex array
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, Objects[i].MatFaces[j].numSubFaces, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, Objects[i].MatFaces[j].subFaces);
// Show the normals?
if (shownormals)
// Loop through the vertices and normals and draw the normal
for (int k = 0; k < Objects[i].numVerts * 3; k += 3)
// Disable texturing
// Disbale lighting if the model is lit
if (lit)
// Draw the normals blue
glColor3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
// Draw a line between the vertex and the end of the normal
glVertex3f(Objects[i].Vertexes[k], Objects[i].Vertexes[k+1], Objects[i].Vertexes[k+2]);
glVertex3f(Objects[i].Vertexes[k]+Objects[i].Normals[k], Objects[i].Vertexes[k+1]+Objects[i].Normals[k+1], Objects[i].Vertexes[k+2]+Objects[i].Normals[k+2]);
// Reset the color to white
glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
// If the model is lit then renable lighting
if (lit)
void Model_3DS::CalculateNormals()
// Let's build some normals
for (int i = 0; i < numObjects; i++)
for (int g = 0; g < Objects[i].numVerts; g++)
// Reduce each vert's normal to unit
float length;
Vector unit;
unit.x = Objects[i].Normals[g*3];
unit.y = Objects[i].Normals[g*3+1];
unit.z = Objects[i].Normals[g*3+2];
length = (float)sqrt((unit.x*unit.x) + (unit.y*unit.y) + (unit.z*unit.z));
if (length == 0.0f)
length = 1.0f;
unit.x /= length;
unit.y /= length;
unit.z /= length;
Objects[i].Normals[g*3] = unit.x;
Objects[i].Normals[g*3+1] = unit.y;
Objects[i].Normals[g*3+2] = unit.z;
void Model_3DS::MainChunkProcessor(long length, long findex)
ChunkHeader h;
// move the file pointer to the beginning of the main
// chunk's data findex + the size of the header
fseek(bin3ds, findex, SEEK_SET);
while (ftell(bin3ds) < (findex + length - 6))
switch (h.id)
// This is the mesh information like vertices, faces, and materials
case EDIT3DS :
EditChunkProcessor(h.len, ftell(bin3ds));
// I left this in case anyone gets very ambitious
case KEYF3DS :
//KeyFrameChunkProcessor(h.len, ftell(bin3ds));
default :
fseek(bin3ds, (h.len - 6), SEEK_CUR);
// move the file pointer back to where we got it so
// that the ProcessChunk() which we interrupted will read
// from the right place
fseek(bin3ds, findex, SEEK_SET);
void Model_3DS::EditChunkProcessor(long length, long findex)
ChunkHeader h;
// move the file pointer to the beginning of the main
// chunk's data findex + the size of the header
fseek(bin3ds, findex, SEEK_SET);
// First count the number of Objects and Materials
while (ftell(bin3ds) < (findex + length - 6))
switch (h.id)
case OBJECT :
default :
fseek(bin3ds, (h.len - 6), SEEK_CUR);
// Now load the materials
if (numMaterials > 0)
Materials = new Material[numMaterials];
// Material is set to untextured until we find otherwise
for (int d = 0; d < numMaterials; d++)
Materials[d].textured = false;
fseek(bin3ds, findex, SEEK_SET);
int i = 0;
while (ftell(bin3ds) < (findex + length - 6))
switch (h.id)
MaterialChunkProcessor(h.len, ftell(bin3ds), i);
default :
fseek(bin3ds, (h.len - 6), SEEK_CUR);
// Load the Objects (individual meshes in the whole model)
if (numObjects > 0)
Objects = new Object[numObjects];
// Set the textured variable to false until we find a texture
for (int k = 0; k < numObjects; k++)
Objects[k].textured = false;
// Zero the objects position and rotation
for (int m = 0; m < numObjects; m++)
Objects[m].pos.x = 0.0f;
Objects[m].pos.y = 0.0f;
Objects[m].pos.z = 0.0f;
Objects[m].rot.x = 0.0f;
Objects[m].rot.y = 0.0f;
Objects[m].rot.z = 0.0f;
// Zero out the number of texture coords
for (int n = 0; n < numObjects; n++)
Objects[n].numTexCoords = 0;
fseek(bin3ds, findex, SEEK_SET);
int j = 0;
while (ftell(bin3ds) < (findex + length - 6))
switch (h.id)
case OBJECT :
ObjectChunkProcessor(h.len, ftell(bin3ds), j);
default :
fseek(bin3ds, (h.len - 6), SEEK_CUR);
// move the file pointer back to where we got it so
// that the ProcessChunk() which we interrupted will read
// from the right place
fseek(bin3ds, findex, SEEK_SET);
void Model_3DS::MaterialChunkProcessor(long length, long findex, int matindex)
ChunkHeader h;
// move the file pointer to the beginning of the main
// chunk's data findex + the size of the header
fseek(bin3ds, findex, SEEK_SET);
while (ftell(bin3ds) < (findex + length - 6))
switch (h.id)
case MAT_NAME :
// Loads the material's names
MaterialNameChunkProcessor(h.len, ftell(bin3ds), matindex);
//ColorChunkProcessor(h.len, ftell(bin3ds));
DiffuseColorChunkProcessor(h.len, ftell(bin3ds), matindex);
//ColorChunkProcessor(h.len, ftell(bin3ds));
// Finds the names of the textures of the material and loads them
TextureMapChunkProcessor(h.len, ftell(bin3ds), matindex);
default :
fseek(bin3ds, (h.len - 6), SEEK_CUR);
// move the file pointer back to where we got it so
// that the ProcessChunk() which we interrupted will read
// from the right place
fseek(bin3ds, findex, SEEK_SET);
void Model_3DS::MaterialNameChunkProcessor(long length, long findex, int matindex)
// move the file pointer to the beginning of the main
// chunk's data findex + the size of the header
fseek(bin3ds, findex, SEEK_SET);
// Read the material's name
for (int i = 0; i < 80; i++)
Materials[matindex].name[i] = fgetc(bin3ds);
if (Materials[matindex].name[i] == 0)
Materials[matindex].name[i] = NULL;
// move the file pointer back to where we got it so
// that the ProcessChunk() which we interrupted will read
// from the right place
fseek(bin3ds, findex, SEEK_SET);
void Model_3DS::DiffuseColorChunkProcessor(long length, long findex, int matindex)
ChunkHeader h;
// move the file pointer to the beginning of the main
// chunk's data findex + the size of the header
fseek(bin3ds, findex, SEEK_SET);
while (ftell(bin3ds) < (findex + length - 6))
// Determine the format of the color and load it
switch (h.id)
case COLOR_RGB :
// A rgb float color chunk
FloatColorChunkProcessor(h.len, ftell(bin3ds), matindex);
case COLOR_TRU :
// A rgb int color chunk
IntColorChunkProcessor(h.len, ftell(bin3ds), matindex);
// A rgb gamma corrected float color chunk
FloatColorChunkProcessor(h.len, ftell(bin3ds), matindex);
// A rgb gamma corrected int color chunk
IntColorChunkProcessor(h.len, ftell(bin3ds), matindex);
default :
fseek(bin3ds, (h.len - 6), SEEK_CUR);
// move the file pointer back to where we got it so
// that the ProcessChunk() which we interrupted will read
// from the right place
fseek(bin3ds, findex, SEEK_SET);
void Model_3DS::FloatColorChunkProcessor(long length, long findex, int matindex)
float r;
float g;
float b;
// move the file pointer to the beginning of the main
// chunk's data findex + the size of the header
fseek(bin3ds, findex, SEEK_SET);
Materials[matindex].color.r = (unsigned char)(r*255.0f);
Materials[matindex].color.g = (unsigned char)(r*255.0f);
Materials[matindex].color.b = (unsigned char)(r*255.0f);
Materials[matindex].color.a = 255;
// move the file pointer back to where we got it so
// that the ProcessChunk() which we interrupted will read
// from the right place
fseek(bin3ds, findex, SEEK_SET);
void Model_3DS::IntColorChunkProcessor(long length, long findex, int matindex)
unsigned char r;
unsigned char g;
unsigned char b;
// move the file pointer to the beginning of the main
// chunk's data findex + the size of the header
fseek(bin3ds, findex, SEEK_SET);
Materials[matindex].color.r = r;
Materials[matindex].color.g = g;
Materials[matindex].color.b = b;
Materials[matindex].color.a = 255;
// move the file pointer back to where we got it so
// that the ProcessChunk() which we interrupted will read
// from the right place
fseek(bin3ds, findex, SEEK_SET);
void Model_3DS::TextureMapChunkProcessor(long length, long findex, int matindex)
ChunkHeader h;
// move the file pointer to the beginning of the main
// chunk's data findex + the size of the header
fseek(bin3ds, findex, SEEK_SET);
while (ftell(bin3ds) < (findex + length - 6))
switch (h.id)
// Read the name of texture in the Diffuse Color map
MapNameChunkProcessor(h.len, ftell(bin3ds), matindex);
default :
fseek(bin3ds, (h.len - 6), SEEK_CUR);
// move the file pointer back to where we got it so
// that the ProcessChunk() which we interrupted will read
// from the right place
fseek(bin3ds, findex, SEEK_SET);
void Model_3DS::MapNameChunkProcessor(long length, long findex, int matindex)
char name[80];
// move the file pointer to the beginning of the main
// chunk's data findex + the size of the header
fseek(bin3ds, findex, SEEK_SET);
// Read the name of the texture
for (int i = 0; i < 80; i++)
name[i] = fgetc(bin3ds);
if (name[i] == 0)
name[i] = NULL;
// Load the name and indicate that the material has a texture
char fullname[80];
sprintf(fullname, "%s%s", path, name);
Materials[matindex].textured = true;
// move the file pointer back to where we got it so
// that the ProcessChunk() which we interrupted will read
// from the right place
fseek(bin3ds, findex, SEEK_SET);
void Model_3DS::ObjectChunkProcessor(long length, long findex, int objindex)
ChunkHeader h;
// move the file pointer to the beginning of the main
// chunk's data findex + the size of the header
fseek(bin3ds, findex, SEEK_SET);
// Load the object's name
for (int i = 0; i < 80; i++)
Objects[objindex].name[i] = fgetc(bin3ds);
if (Objects[objindex].name[i] == 0)
Objects[objindex].name[i] = NULL;
while (ftell(bin3ds) < (findex + length - 6))
switch (h.id)
case TRIG_MESH :
// Process the triangles of the object
TriangularMeshChunkProcessor(h.len, ftell(bin3ds), objindex);
default :
fseek(bin3ds, (h.len - 6), SEEK_CUR);
// move the file pointer back to where we got it so
// that the ProcessChunk() which we interrupted will read
// from the right place
fseek(bin3ds, findex, SEEK_SET);
void Model_3DS::TriangularMeshChunkProcessor(long length, long findex, int objindex)
ChunkHeader h;
// move the file pointer to the beginning of the main
// chunk's data findex + the size of the header
fseek(bin3ds, findex, SEEK_SET);
while (ftell(bin3ds) < (findex + length - 6))
switch (h.id)
case VERT_LIST :
// Load the vertices of the onject
VertexListChunkProcessor(h.len, ftell(bin3ds), objindex);
//LocalCoordinatesChunkProcessor(h.len, ftell(bin3ds));
case TEX_VERTS :
// Load the texture coordinates for the vertices
TexCoordsChunkProcessor(h.len, ftell(bin3ds), objindex);
Objects[objindex].textured = true;
default :
fseek(bin3ds, (h.len - 6), SEEK_CUR);
// After we have loaded the vertices we can load the faces
fseek(bin3ds, findex, SEEK_SET);
while (ftell(bin3ds) < (findex + length - 6))
switch (h.id)
case FACE_DESC :
// Load the faces of the object
FacesDescriptionChunkProcessor(h.len, ftell(bin3ds), objindex);
default :
fseek(bin3ds, (h.len - 6), SEEK_CUR);
// move the file pointer back to where we got it so
// that the ProcessChunk() which we interrupted will read
// from the right place
fseek(bin3ds, findex, SEEK_SET);
void Model_3DS::VertexListChunkProcessor(long length, long findex, int objindex)
unsigned short numVerts;
// move the file pointer to the beginning of the main
// chunk's data findex + the size of the header
fseek(bin3ds, findex, SEEK_SET);
// Read the number of vertices of the object
// Allocate arrays for the vertices and normals
Objects[objindex].Vertexes = new GLfloat[numVerts * 3];
Objects[objindex].Normals = new GLfloat[numVerts * 3];
// Assign the number of vertices for future use
Objects[objindex].numVerts = numVerts;
// Zero out the normals array
for (int j = 0; j < numVerts * 3; j++)
Objects[objindex].Normals[j] = 0.0f;
// Read the vertices, switching the y and z coordinates and changing the sign of the z coordinate
for (int i = 0; i < numVerts * 3; i+=3)
// Change the sign of the z coordinate
Objects[objindex].Vertexes[i+2] = -Objects[objindex].Vertexes[i+2];
// move the file pointer back to where we got it so
// that the ProcessChunk() which we interrupted will read
// from the right place
fseek(bin3ds, findex, SEEK_SET);
void Model_3DS::TexCoordsChunkProcessor(long length, long findex, int objindex)
// The number of texture coordinates
unsigned short numCoords;
// move the file pointer to the beginning of the main
// chunk's data findex + the size of the header
fseek(bin3ds, findex, SEEK_SET);
// Read the number of coordinates
// Allocate an array to hold the texture coordinates
Objects[objindex].TexCoords = new GLfloat[numCoords * 2];
// Set the number of texture coords
Objects[objindex].numTexCoords = numCoords;
// Read teh texture coordiantes into the array
for (int i = 0; i < numCoords * 2; i+=2)
// move the file pointer back to where we got it so
// that the ProcessChunk() which we interrupted will read
// from the right place
fseek(bin3ds, findex, SEEK_SET);
void Model_3DS::FacesDescriptionChunkProcessor(long length, long findex, int objindex)
ChunkHeader h;
unsigned short numFaces; // The number of faces in the object
unsigned short vertA; // The first vertex of the face
unsigned short vertB; // The second vertex of the face
unsigned short vertC; // The third vertex of the face
unsigned short flags; // The winding order flags
long subs; // Holds our place in the file
int numMatFaces = 0; // The number of different materials
// move the file pointer to the beginning of the main
// chunk's data findex + the size of the header
fseek(bin3ds, findex, SEEK_SET);
// Read the number of faces
// Allocate an array to hold the faces
Objects[objindex].Faces = new GLushort[numFaces * 3];
// Store the number of faces
Objects[objindex].numFaces = numFaces * 3;
// Read the faces into the array
for (int i = 0; i < numFaces * 3; i+=3)
// Read the vertices of the face
// Place them in the array
Objects[objindex].Faces[i] = vertA;
Objects[objindex].Faces[i+1] = vertB;
Objects[objindex].Faces[i+2] = vertC;
// Calculate the face's normal
Vector n;
Vertex v1;
Vertex v2;
Vertex v3;
v1.x = Objects[objindex].Vertexes[vertA*3];
v1.y = Objects[objindex].Vertexes[vertA*3+1];
v1.z = Objects[objindex].Vertexes[vertA*3+2];
v2.x = Objects[objindex].Vertexes[vertB*3];
v2.y = Objects[objindex].Vertexes[vertB*3+1];
v2.z = Objects[objindex].Vertexes[vertB*3+2];
v3.x = Objects[objindex].Vertexes[vertC*3];
v3.y = Objects[objindex].Vertexes[vertC*3+1];
v3.z = Objects[objindex].Vertexes[vertC*3+2];
// calculate the normal
float u[3], v[3];
// V2 - V3;
u[0] = v2.x - v3.x;
u[1] = v2.y - v3.y;
u[2] = v2.z - v3.z;
// V2 - V1;
v[0] = v2.x - v1.x;
v[1] = v2.y - v1.y;
v[2] = v2.z - v1.z;
n.x = (u[1]*v[2] - u[2]*v[1]);
n.y = (u[2]*v[0] - u[0]*v[2]);
n.z = (u[0]*v[1] - u[1]*v[0]);
// Add this normal to its verts' normals
Objects[objindex].Normals[vertA*3] += n.x;
Objects[objindex].Normals[vertA*3+1] += n.y;
Objects[objindex].Normals[vertA*3+2] += n.z;
Objects[objindex].Normals[vertB*3] += n.x;
Objects[objindex].Normals[vertB*3+1] += n.y;
Objects[objindex].Normals[vertB*3+2] += n.z;
Objects[objindex].Normals[vertC*3] += n.x;
Objects[objindex].Normals[vertC*3+1] += n.y;
Objects[objindex].Normals[vertC*3+2] += n.z;
// Store our current file position
subs = ftell(bin3ds);
// Check to see how many materials the faces are split into
while (ftell(bin3ds) < (findex + length - 6))
switch (h.id)
case FACE_MAT :
//FacesMaterialsListChunkProcessor(h.len, ftell(bin3ds), objindex);
default :
fseek(bin3ds, (h.len - 6), SEEK_CUR);
// Split the faces up according to their materials
if (numMatFaces > 0)
// Allocate an array to hold the lists of faces divided by material
Objects[objindex].MatFaces = new MaterialFaces[numMatFaces];
// Store the number of material faces
Objects[objindex].numMatFaces = numMatFaces;
fseek(bin3ds, subs, SEEK_SET);
int j = 0;
// Split the faces up
while (ftell(bin3ds) < (findex + length - 6))
switch (h.id)
case FACE_MAT :
// Process the faces and split them up
FacesMaterialsListChunkProcessor(h.len, ftell(bin3ds), objindex, j);
default :
fseek(bin3ds, (h.len - 6), SEEK_CUR);
// move the file pointer back to where we got it so
// that the ProcessChunk() which we interrupted will read
// from the right place
fseek(bin3ds, findex, SEEK_SET);
void Model_3DS::FacesMaterialsListChunkProcessor(long length, long findex, int objindex, int subfacesindex)
char name[80]; // The material's name
unsigned short numEntries; // The number of faces associated with this material
unsigned short Face; // Holds the faces as they are read
int material; // An index to the Materials array for this material
// move the file pointer to the beginning of the main
// chunk's data findex + the size of the header
fseek(bin3ds, findex, SEEK_SET);
// Read the material's name
for (int i = 0; i < 80; i++)
name[i] = fgetc(bin3ds);
if (name[i] == 0)
name[i] = NULL;
// Faind the material's index in the Materials array
for (material = 0; material < numMaterials; material++)
if (strcmp(name, Materials[material].name) == 0)
// Store this value for later so that we can find the material
Objects[objindex].MatFaces[subfacesindex].MatIndex = material;
// Read the number of faces associated with this material
// Allocate an array to hold the list of faces associated with this material
Objects[objindex].MatFaces[subfacesindex].subFaces = new GLushort[numEntries * 3];
// Store this number for later use
Objects[objindex].MatFaces[subfacesindex].numSubFaces = numEntries * 3;
// Read the faces into the array
for (i = 0; i < numEntries * 3; i+=3)
// read the face
// Add the face's vertices to the list
Objects[objindex].MatFaces[subfacesindex].subFaces[i] = Objects[objindex].Faces[Face * 3];
Objects[objindex].MatFaces[subfacesindex].subFaces[i+1] = Objects[objindex].Faces[Face * 3 + 1];
Objects[objindex].MatFaces[subfacesindex].subFaces[i+2] = Objects[objindex].Faces[Face * 3 + 2];
// move the file pointer back to where we got it so
// that the ProcessChunk() which we interrupted will read
// from the right place
fseek(bin3ds, findex, SEEK_SET);