Submitted by , posted on 03 December 2001
Image Description, by
This image was produce by a Path tracer I implemented as part of my Computer
Graphics final project at University of Waterloo.
Path tracing, as apposed to usual ray tracing, is physically based i.e. is based
on a more physically feasable lighting model. Basically the algorithm finds
light transportation paths from the scene light sources to the eye, computing
the amount of light travelling the path weighted with the probability of light
travelling the particular path.
The path tracer supports a number of features such as:
Global illumination via path tracing, i.e. the light travelling a certain path
is affected by the surfaces it hits on the way to the eye.
Soft shadows, soft reflections and soft refractions via stochastic hemisphere
Metallic and dielectric surfaces as described by Peter Shirley and Michael
Ashikhmin in 'An Anisotropic Phong BRDF Model', Computer Graphics Tools.
Depth of field via camera lens simulation.
Mikael Persson