Submitted by , posted on 20 September 2001
Image Description, by
These screenshots are from my fur ball test I wrote one night. I
noticed there is some fur thread in message board so this is kinda
hot topic, yeah (: The ball just spins and moves up and down along a
sine curve. The gravity is altered according to the acceleration making
hair to bend more when the ball is moving up.
Some technical details:
DirectX 7 interface is used (through my engine abstraction) thus no
vertex shaders nor AGP vertex buffers were used
total 2000 hairs and 10 joints in each hair
each hair is a triangle strip primitive (double sided) thus there is
44k vertices & 40k triangles total
each vertex got only position and normal info
runs ~130FPS on GeForce3 & P4 1.5GHz in 1280x1024x32bpp resolution
FSB is 133MHz (I guess), which seems to be the bottle neck
diffuse, emissive and specular lighting of two directional lights
very simple physics, where gravity bends the hair
Well, nothing specially really here, just liked to share my fur ball
with you (: I thought about adding projective shadows on it, but it
would have required bunch of extra work and time, so maybe next time.
Also by taking angular acceleration into account and altering gravity
individually for each hair I might have made hair dynamics to look a
bit nicer.