
Submitted by , posted on 06 September 2002
Image Description, by

This is a game prototype finished in may 1998, and released for the first
time since august 2002.
It represent about six month of work by the Isla Dragon team (12 peaples
worked on it).
The engine was a mix beetween two differents 3d technologies merged
together, writen by two programmers.
Recommended configuration:
Pentium 200 MHz processor or higher
32 Mb Ram internal memory
Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2K/XP
DirectX 5.0 or higher
8x CD-ROM player or higher
3D accelerated graphics card DirectX compatible
Soundcard with support for DirectX
Technical information:
Hardware render using Direct 3d.
Multiple materials rendering: RGB gouraud shading, texture mapping,
additive transparency, color check transparency.
Management of 3d scenes with hierachised 3d objects.
Animated materials.
Dynamic and static lighting with projection of shades by ray tracing.
Animation of hierarchised objects in quaternions.
Very fast collision for actors / scene detection.
A basic AI was written for the scelettes ennemies.
Multi channels soundtracks.
You can find more information or download the game prototype here:
Pyro Arkham