Submitted by , posted on 01 June 2003
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This is a 2D vector graphics engine for high-performance, high-fidelity
Smoke is one of three such vector graphics renderers which use OpenGL and can
make use of hardware acceleration - the other two being Amaya (the w3c's
browser) and svgl.
Smoke is designed to provide high-performance zooming and panning of vector
graphics for interactive applications. This is achieved through the use of
caches which store tesselated approximations to vector objects in OpenGL
display lists. No OpenGL extensions are currently used and performance is
typically 1-2 orders of magnitude faster than software renderers.
Smoke is independent of the SVG format, providing more sophisticated features
in some respects and (currently) missing other features. It is our intention
to make Smoke feature complete before encouraging its use in applications
such as modern variants of xfig, ghostscript, slideshow presentation programs
and browsers as well as office programs. Ultimately, I would like to create a
multimedia computer aided learning package for degree level technical
Smoke was recently released under the LGPL and development will resume just
as soon as I finish my PhD.