Submitted by zed, posted on 28 February 2001

Image Description, by zed

a bit of background. ive been wanting to write this game for ages ( as well as 2 others one set in space + the other a rpg ). currently this is my fourth attempt. the first attempt was with the zxspectrum in the early 80's in z80 asm, then came amiga in c, then directdraw (in icsometric style) and now in 3d with opengl, i keep telling myself this time ill finally finish it but history aint on my side meeewwwhaha

on the code front lately ive been simpliying the code of my bollux engine(TM), cleaning up the hacks etc which has resulted not only in the code being more readible but also the engine is now running at greater speed.
  • ive also ditched the heightmap/landscape restriction so now it can display indoor/outdoor maps, well basically it draws any crap that u throw at it.
  • im using static LOD with my meshes, i have experimented with various LOD systems but have yet to find a acceptable one though if anyone knows of a good demo with source i might switch back
  • dumped doing my own lighting and have decided to let opengl do it all for me (part of the simplification process) and r pitty happy with the results.
  • a personal gripe 'where can i find DECENT texture mapped low polygon models on the web', ive wasted so much time in making/mapping models myself with little success. i wouldnt mind starting up some sort of model group like where ppl would have access to its the models u have to supply one decent model ie u pay for one u get a hundred. not money wise u know just effort what are other ppl's thoughts

    a final note prolly the greatest achievement about my game sofar is its been written on win2000 with 64mb 'so many magical 5 minute moments ive enjoyed sitting twiddling my thumbs, listening to the sweet sound of my harddisk have a heartattack whilst vc churns over my code' tommorrow im getting an extra 128mb. damn my thumb twiddling days are over!!

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